Somehow the bookers/promoters of a well known mid-sized Los Angeles Theatre lost the plot and cancelled a gig 18 hours before it was supposed to begin (2 weeks is rather more customary for changes) along with its corresponding San Francisco show two nights later. Heroically, James Williamson and Pink Hearts sprang into action for their fans and played two pop up performances on those very same nights, mid-sized Alex's Bar, Long Beach on 6.29.18 and at Los Angeles' Monty Bar, the proverbial intimate club on 7.1.18.
Both triumphant gigs featured selections from the band's new Behind The Shade album (Williamson's second solo release with all new material) emblazoned with many Iggy and The Stooges' Raw
Power and Kill City classics co-written by Williamson. What's it like see one of Rock's greatest living guitarists ever from about 8 feet away? Well, the Pink Hearts' "Johanna" featured the most intense version I've ever heard Williamson play live, and that includes all the Stooges' shows I've photographed from 1973 to 2013.

Plus, the Pink Hearts are about surprises. All material, from most raucous rockers to alt ballads is co-written by Williamson and singers Frank Meyer, exhuberant yet tuneful frontman of the Street Walkin' Cheetahs (once the backing band of James' pal Cheetah Chrome of the Dead Boys,) and Petra Haden, esteemed pitch-perfect vocalist with a pronounced quirky side. To wit she covered the entire The Who Sell Out album a capella, including her singing all the instrumental parts. The male/female trade off then blending in hard rock is a great asset sorely missing in this genre today, and it was Williamson's unique vision that first brought the two together for the first time on Behind The Shade then these performances.
Dramatis Personae:
James Williamson, guitar
Frank Meyer, lead vocals
Petra Haden, lead vocals
Andrea Wasse, backing vocals
Gregg Foreman, keyboards
Jason Carmer, bass
Michael Urbano, drums
"The Pink Horns," Geoff Yeaton, saxophone, Mark Pender, trumpet

The closest you'll get to a deserved smile of satisfaction from ringmaster/guitar virtuoso James Williamson.
~ ~ ~
Downtown Los Angeles' Monty Bar featured funky ambiance, bison head taxidermy above the shelf they call a stage, absolutely no stage lighting, and a wildly enthusiastic crowd, many of whom were there for the opening act Medicine Bird (pix later) and of course were uproariously pleased at the surprise headliner. Monty Bar live shots:

Downtown Los Angeles' Monty Bar featured funky ambiance, bison head taxidermy above the shelf they call a stage, absolutely no stage lighting, and a wildly enthusiastic crowd, many of whom were there for the opening act Medicine Bird (pix later) and of course were uproariously pleased at the surprise headliner. Monty Bar live shots:

Openers Medicine Bird, the ostensible headliners were only to happy to have a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Stooges' guitarist magically appear and play after their own set. Medicine Bird featured acclaimed singer/songwriter of The Blessings Jeremy White with his Nashville friend guitarist Tobin Dale on guitar. The twosome wrote and recorded an EP of all new material, much of it reveling in their respective, authentic Southern roots so handily showcased here.
Jeremy remains known for the rootsy, bluesy, Stonesy, countrified sounds he blends into Blessings' songs (which feature over a decade of recorded material that sounds impeccably A List) so Medicine Bird plied the same strengths with a different gloss. The band had debuted live earlier that same week, not that one could tell. GlitterTrash drummer Boomer Bearman, a popular musician on our local scene, can be spotted
PHOTO OPS from Alex's Bar
Above, James Stolz and Amy D'Allesandro Stolz, cinematographer and director of The Making Of Re-Licked documentary accompanying James Williamson's first solo album Re-Licked, and esteemed rock photographer Kurt Ingham, who photographed The Stooges for one of their first magazine covers, Creem in 1970. He is also my beloved better half. ↓Below, Jenna Talia, singer of GlitterTrash and Donna Balancia, California Rocker editor.
↑A live shot photo op, with, left, David Arson, singer of The Raw Power Rangers,
a Stooges' tribute band, showing support for anything Stooge by fondling Frank's shoe. David is also in longtime L.A. favorites the Insect Surfers.
PHOTO OPS from Monty Bar
↑Evita Corby, rock and roll couturier/animal rescuer backstage
with James Williamson, two very longtime friends.
That's Evita whom you see on the back cover of the original Kill City album by Iggy Pop and James Williamson, recorded circa 1975 but awaiting release until 1977. Kill City now has been remastered, remixed and restored by James himself correcting the duo's original poverty regarding its recording. One of the best re-do's you'll ever hear, with lots of photographer Suzan Carson's outtakes for the album included.
You need the Merch!
James Williamson and the Pink Hearts- Behind The Shade available at LINK* and all retail and streaming outlets. Try their Facebook pages as well as
You can get Medicine Bird's EP at LINK**
Full frontal disclosure:
--Yes, I did the art direction for James Williamson and the Pink Hearts Behind The Shade with Joel Pelletier and drew the logos for the Pink Hearts and Leopard Lady Records. Also co-art-directed everything you see in the above photo...
--Yes, reflecting nothing on the superbness of these bands, this has not been published in a timely manner. 'Happens...
Now... get ready for some videos of these rare sets filmed by Alison Ayala, both new material and some classic favorites!
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