Yes, there really was bowling somewhere within the Punk Rock Bowling Music Festival in Las Vegas over May's Memorial Day Weekend. Above top left, the only British vintage punk band with all its original members, The Adicts in full flight; above right, Stephen Egerton in The Descendents, both from outdoor gig 5.25.14. Vegas remains sufficiently Sahara-like toasty to host such night gigs--it only dipped to 79F in the evening with daytime temps of 102F. Above left, Melony Felony of locals The Objex and above right, Detroit/L.A. legendary punk trio THE DOGS, both at the Blackstar Amplifiers/Swing House Studios annual Pool Party at the Plaza Hotel. Yes, one indeed could sit in the rooftop pool to enjoy same. Thankfully, no heat prostrations although the roadies striking the stage afterwards came close.
Punk Rock Bowling's genesis incubated with informal Lebowski-like bowling tourneys amongst punkers in Hollywood Calif. seven years ago when one got the lightbulb over the head to monetize same by moving it all to Vegas and charging for the music shows. Believe me, it makes for a strange visual mash-up of hardcore punk rockers roaming around throughout the glitzy kitsch of old town Vegas' bright lights, big city. See below. (The even kitschier Strip with the theme casino/hotels is elsewhere.)
Above, punks in the Freemont St. arcade spontaneously break into dancing to Chumbawamba's "Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down)" along with the outside shill showgirls in a show of alternative music solidarity. Above right, assorted punks from The Adicts, The Descendents, DOA, TSOL, The Dwarves, The Dogs, The Objex, Shiny Toy Guns, Goldfinger and Old Man Markley pose before performing at Blackstar Amplifiers / Swing House Studios Pool Party.
Below, despite the extreme heat Loren, Mary and Tony-- THE DOGS --rampaging through their usual fast-paced set for the sweaty crowds. (History, The Dogs thereof, see LINK.)
The rest of afternoon enjoyed the chaos of The Pool Boys, a cast of rotating (or rather, moshing) characters culled from The Adicts (Pete Dee and Monkey thereof seen below caparisoned with Silly String,) The Descendents, DOA, TSOL, The Dwarves, The Dogs, Shiny Toy Guns, Riverboat Gamblers, Goldfinger and Old Man Markley. The distaff estrogen was represented by local Melony Felony of The Objex (and how) plus Carah Faye of Shiny Toy Guns.

classics blasted out included the Dead Boys' "Sonic Reducer," The Ramones' " The KKK Took My Baby Away" and The
Adicts' "Viva La Revolution!" which inspired a total stage invasion of
not just all its performers, but of all those in the audience nearest the
The afternoon ended with Blackstar giving away free t-shirts and pro audio gear (thankfully the latter was not thrown to its recipients.) Below right, Tone Dog of THE DOGS with fellow drummer Sae Tatsuzawa, Loren of THE DOGS and Blackstar Amplifiers, Joel Richardson of Blackstar Amplifiers. At bottom, mangled set list and gig flyer.
Guest photographer Susan Phelps catches yours truly in action stage right, above. Sun hat essential in 102 F heat.
Pretties for you from Las Vegas, Weirdness Ground Zero...