By Heather Harris
All Photos © 2013 Heather Harris

The heart specifically wanted in live
rock music remains innovation, abandon with control, uniqueness,
wildness, visual interest, surprise, visceral sensuousness…
relentlessness… greatness… and a damn fine canon of a repertoire.

“The Stooges are a pack of hyenas on the Serengeti Plains, hungry and omnivorous.” –
Henry Rollins (singer of physicality extraordinaire formerly for Black
Flag and assorted punks, actor, monologist, broadcast DJ, Stooges’ peer
and pal) on the Queen Mary show
And we’re all off and running…

Iggy and The Stooges just released Ready to Die new numbers sifted throughout their set of fan fave classics sound seamlessly like brand spankin’ new fan favorites.
“…they reached out their hands, because they had to touch him to believe he was real.” (which is sort of lyrical as well as observational) – Don Hill’s, Sept. 2010 Fashion Week private gig of Iggy and The Stooges

Iggy Pop’s always been the world’s forgotten Tasmanian Devil/whirling Dervish, Theatre of the ProActive, visceral and peripatetic, leaping into the fourth wall, spitting, drooling, sweating, clasping others in the crowd. These may mirror practiced moves, but that’s like accusing athletes’ greatest feats anew as same. Skill always reinvents per performance. And its frontman erupts, reinvigorated with these Stooges.
Profoundly still extant in Iggy’s
interactive unchoreography with his audiences are his stage dives into
same, and as often seen as his well-traveled in your face routines, his
one-on-one acknowledgment of how an audience touches him as much as he
moves them. During its inverse, the stage invasion of the crowd during
“Fun House” (audience right onstage into the band’s space for one number
instead of Iggy’s former singer into audience space for half the set)
(I still defy any A list act to try either maneuver of stagecraft every
single gig) a goodly percentage of those positioned up front clamber
onstage to writhe, lumber or even dance with the Stooges. Wholly
unnecessarily, one blonde miss even executed a full on tackle of the Ig.
(Note diligent stage staff at the ready, an amused Ig, her still on the
floor, pleading!) Had she but waited, she might have experienced the
truer connection seen in the photo with Iggy clenching one fan’s hand
for practically a whole song while still singing to all.

“The ‘Screaming Penguin’ gives me another version of the razor bright sound that I like… it’s boost on top of boost, very cutting sound, no real effects. Since the Blackstar amps I use now don’t have Top Boost circuit, I add it externally. It’s a treble boost pedal like my other one but using Germanium transistors instead of FET.” – James Williamson, guitarist, Iggy and The Stooges, waxing technical about his playing which is far better known for its rapidfire but emotion-infused sheer feel.
There was exposition galore of how much admired the guitar-playing and songwriting of James Williamson remains in my Paraphilia
issue # 12 photofeature “Tribute to Ron Asheton with Iggy and The
Stooges, Ann Arbor MI 4.19.11: Open Up and Blood, Sweat and
‘Fanecdotes,’” plus details of his remarkable personal history,
unmatched in all Rock and Roll (legend/progenitor of all hard rock
genres since 1974, to Fortune 500 company vice-president via technology
and back to Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee currently touring the
world with Iggy and The Stooges since 2010 (and his retirement from Sony
Corporation.) The life unfolds as impressively as the music it created.
“…He was different than the others,
the one who actually suffered about the Stooges situation… the way James
plays, the substance he carries with him, is material with which one
can think and feel. His toughness and sharpness on certain points seemed
to me almost desperate: he is not the one who will cheer you up with
words of hope. He will just slowly have you to face the reality sharply,
and then- – – the unreliable miracle. James is a hard worker and a pure
gemstone of inner self working, a lesson for coping with life.” – his friend Valerie Barnole, writing about James Williamson as a musician, colleague and as a human being.

“What ended in the seventies as a nightmare has been redeemed in the new millennium.” – Michael Flek, Underground Press, James Williamson Interview 8.7.13

Williamson, whose unique and wholly
successful personal reinventions were chronicled in Díre McCain’s 30pp.
interview with him in Paraphilia issue #5, remains the
rapidfire human guitar anomaly that inspires further greatness from his
co-horts, particularly punk legend in his own right, bassist Mike Watt.

busy, rapid but precise (yet soulful) bassist up to the
mindmeld/competition with this band. Only two bassists in rock history
have fielded such a mega-onslaught by their band partners/titans onstage
as Watt has had to do, and both have been better known as guitarists:
Ron Wood, who performed bass miracles similar to Watts’ in the (first)
Jeff Beck Group while Beck kept inventing arena-metal-blues magnificence
to Rod Stewart’s invention of himself as major powerhouse singer; and
Ron Asheton, the Stooges original guitarist and bassist in the Raw Power
Williamson era.
On the
Raw Power Deluxe box set’s dvd of its making, Iggy even acknowledged,
with traditional post-game quarterbacks’ analysis, the Raw Power Stooges
being all about competition for attention, hence their greatness in
wild, busy interaction. When fielding Beck or Williamson, you needed
the best challengers on the planet. Absolute monster bassists all, Watt,
Wood and Asheton…

Watt of course has untold numbers of other bands, all of which garner his devout effort, some of whom would be Hellride, Dos, the Missingmen, the Secondmen, Spielgusher to match his former notable Minutemen and fireHOSE. Energizer rabbit, deep feeler, stream-of-consciousness diarist as in his Hootpage website entry for this show: “This fucking boat’s underway! We’re midships this time where nine years ago queen mary was to our port and open air behind us. I think us being in front of her gives way more focus for the sound…”

Steve Mackay, on hand intermittently since 1970’s Funhouse
Stooges’ recording remains another secret weapon, not only for the most
appropriate and least “porn-movie-sounding” saxophone parts in the
history of rock and roll added to fill out the Stoogean raw power, but
also the essential assorted studio instruments, from claves to

alternately as Toby Dammit (namesake: Terence Stamp in “Spirits of the
Dead” directed by Federico Fellini) a.k.a. Larry Mullins which bothers
me not a whit since yours truly has separate but multiple monikers, this
drummer is filling in on tour for venerable, original Stooge Scott
“Rock Action” Asheton.

known for solo Iggy gigs and working with everyone from Scott Walker
(!) to Jessie Evans prior, percussions fast and furiously, but seems
such like a genial soul for a hardcore musician. They’re lucky to have

regret not having seen Stooges back in the day (not me, I photographed
them in 1973) and similarly you will regret not seeing this reunion.
Rectify that, people.
It has proven difficult to write about
music that means so much to me, much easier to document it visually for
posterity. What an absolute marvel of brain cells and synaptic neurons
for Iggy and The Stooges to have been able to create it all in the first

Iggy and The Stooges’ Queen Mary, Long Beach Ink ‘n’ Iron Festival 6.8.13 set list for our Paraphilia Stooges completionists:

“Raw Power”
“Gimme Danger”
“Search And Destroy”
“Fun House”
“L.A. Blues”
“Night Theme”
“Skull Ring”
“Beyond The Law”
“Ready To Die”
“I Got A Right”
“I Wanna Be Your Dog”
“No Fun”
“Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell”
“Open Up And Bleed”
“Sex And Money” changed to “Dirty Deal” after technical problem
“Gimme Danger”
“Search And Destroy”
“Fun House”
“L.A. Blues”
“Night Theme”
“Skull Ring”
“Beyond The Law”
“Ready To Die”
“I Got A Right”
“I Wanna Be Your Dog”
“No Fun”
“Your Pretty Face Is Going to Hell”
“Open Up And Bleed”
“Sex And Money” changed to “Dirty Deal” after technical problem
Heather Harris
BONUS photo op for FASTFILM BLOG: L-R: Evita Corby, Linda Williamson, James Williamson, Rico Cardinale backstage at this gig.