Friday, October 4, 2024


In 1970 Nashville, a local singer whose full name escapes my memory, "Casper, the vocalist boyfriend of Suzanne Donner" praised the vocal artistry of this then unknown singer to me, noting effortless full octave jumps in the very first line of the verses. He hoped this would spur emphasis on better, emotional singing. 51 years later in this age of auto-tune, I am still hoping so too.

Though never an ardent fan, I find that the very earliest works of Elton have a strange nostalgic effect on me that my much preferred artists contemporary to him don't. I think it's because he was considered such a real oddball at the beginning (in his music, not look nor lifestyle) at first, before mutating into a hyper commercial version of himself. I hear his first works and instantly I am transported back to being a teen just starting out in my photojournalism career, and absolutely everything is possible! (Not. Like. Now.) 

There is also a bizarre personal connection to that earliest work of his. My beloved late husband was one of the only two photographers shooting Elton on that very first night he played the Troubadour in West Hollywood on August 25th, 1970, the very gig that really broke him in the United States and then the world. So indeed, anything was possible then...

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