
Monday, May 2, 2016

GLAM SKANKS and the BROTHERS COLLECTIVE LIVE at the EchoBox/Mime Club 4.16.16

Echo Box at The Mime Theatre in Echo Park presented a new showcase for bands with the ideal audience lures: free admission plus free beer and wine. Seeing the void for up and coming L.A. bands to attain bigger audience exposure, civic leader and a director of Formula 1 Racing Nolan Jamora's Echo Box Music and musician/producer extraordinaire Bruce Witkin's Unison Music concocted the venue. The bands booked are high caliber, and crowd's monies could be spent on their merchandise rather than club entry.

The inaugural show featured The Glam Skanks, a 3-femmes/1-guy concoction of rousing hard rock in the, yes, glam vein. Their confident proficiency belies such a flirtatious mien: guitarist V is daughter to a studio session ace and no doubt has been playing since infancy while vocalist Ali Cat is the assertive coquette par excellence with looks and vocal licks to spare. Hot pants complete the retro look. And yes, real glitter played a part in their theatrics.  See LINK and LINK for the Glam Skanks FAQs.

The Brothers Collective are indeed genuine siblings and presented a united front of power trio hard rock with real songs; i.e., real verses and choruses that one later can recall. The "BC3" as they sometimes abbreviate are Eugene, Ryan and Jacob Rice. Visit LINK for more details.

Both The Glam Skanks and The Brothers Collective are attractive and raucous bands on the rise so check 'em out in clubs while you can. The Echo Box is there to help...

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