
Sunday, June 30, 2013


At eight years old first viewing the musical film "South Pacific," I marveled that the Lt. Cable character (actor John Kerr with vocals dubbed by Bill Lee) was just so good-looking. I now realize this was a flashforward to my future better half Mr. Twister (pictured above left during his lead singer days with Christopher Milk, photo by John Mendelsohn of same circa 1971) with the same low-slung hiphugger dungarees on stylish, skinny frame. Lt. Cable (above right) mimicked photos seen of Twister's prep school years with shorter blond hair over angular features.

We two (Twister and I, not the actor) enjoyed a beautifully restored blu-ray of "South Pacific" a few nights ago. In addition to the above mental snapshot, the below chorus's message underscored memories to me of our 1970s glitter, glam and punk rock far away...

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