
Monday, December 31, 2012

RAINY DAY DREAM AWAY: last photos of 2012

 A misty, rainy morn under our wisteria arbor in Southern California after Xmas. Or is it?
Rainy it may have been, but all mists were courtesy of our laundry, click 6 second film...

Stop the presses! Below, a Deerhound slinks back inside to avoid the rain and a Golden Retriever wags her tail!
Below, a Golden Retriever still awaits Santa and a Deerhound camouflages herself in the oriental carpet.

Why are all these photos confined to my home environment? It's because the week before Xmas, I broke my elbow and knee in a bad fall, and these snapshots (and self-portrait) were all taken with my left (wrong) hand post surgery.
HERE'S TO A BETTER 2013 FOR EVERYONE,  self inclusive!
 NOTE: link directly back to if all elements such as photo layouts or videos aren't here.

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