
Friday, July 20, 2012

AHAB/REHAB, THE HAILERS, HEARTBREAKER: 3 hot bands on 3 hot July nights

It's AHAB/REHAB playing the best cover of a Free song, in this case the less familiar "Gone Gone Gone" that I've ever heard! Chez Skinny's Lounge, 7.11.12. Above, Apache shreds...

Guitarists Apache and Jim
Altman, bassist Clackers
Kay and drummer Tone Dog
are AHAB/REHAB, composite of
LINK and the obvious.

Below, set list and photo op with singer Krista Wood, who jammed with Tony in The Dogs for their last gig in the 1980s at The Metro (long gone, gone, gone.) A dvd of this performance soon should be released on Detroit Jack's Future Now Records as part of his ongoing documentation of Detroit legends The Dogs' ongoing 40 year career.

Above and below, THE HAILERS, live at Molly Malone's, 7.7.12.

Fun, original rock and roll with Robert, April and crew that would have slotted nicely into the charts of FM radio from the '70s on. For more info, see LINK.

...Segueing that '70s FM programming into Led Zeppelin via HEARTBREAKER!

Heartbreaker remain the planet's premiere tribute band to Led Zeppelin live. They're seen here performing 7.14.12 in a sold-out show at the humongous Hangar venue in the Orange County Fair. More info, see LINK.

Verisimilitude all the way, sound, look, and sheer power!

Behind the scenes:
Heartbreaker remain
very proactive with
their fans. Seen
above, onstage
meet and greet; after
gig photos with fans;
and recreating the magic in the dressing room before the show.

...And now for something completely different...
I calculated my travel drive to Orange County allowing sufficient time to hit the fair's petting zoo before checking in with the clients. Above, a Highland Cow. This is a glamour shot: look at those eyelashes!

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