
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TRIBUTE! Part Troisieme, Funhouse...

Above, "Iggy" definitely knows the finer points of performing.
Below, "Iggy" clambers on top of the liquor bar and proceeds to become very unkind to the lightbulbs.

The Raw Power Rangers were back at it doing "Funhouse" by The Stooges, 8.21.11 at West L.A.'s Liquid Kitty. David Arnson channeled the in-your-face youthful exuberance of the silver opera gloves & dog collar clad "Iggy Pop" climbing up the liquor bar and assorted women, while Don Bolles, onetime drummer for The Germs as well as the RPRs filled in as guitarist "Ron Asheton."

A Raw Power Ranger ("Dave Alexander,") geddit?

"Ron Asheton"
"Rock Action"

For more Raw Power Rangers' action go to LINK!

Photo Op section, left: the back of Don Bolles ("Ron Asheton") and his friend's beautiful Retro-inspired visage; below right: Van Nuys neighbor, equally beautiful but bereft of makeup Kimberly Yee and onetime Creem magazine film reviewer, writer Brian Zabawski

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