
Wednesday, August 17, 2011


These Ramones' photographs were shot on assignment. At site I realized my autofocus wasn't working, and my manual focusing skills varied unpredictably in low light (what prevails between the stage lights to be metered) so I quickly rethought everything for the unnecessary three-song limit, a short time to be sure with the Ramones' speedy ditties averaging 90 seconds per song. I'd go for nontraditional images of the band in higher aperture/depth of field to keep focus sharp, rather than low aperture/spot-focus freezeframes of the familiar Johnny Ramone leaping in the air, Joey Ramone hulking over his 45-degree angled microphone stand, etc. action shots. (I'm reminding those outside our field that flash isn't allowed. Fine by me.)

I was satisfied with these images that ended up resembling horror movie posters, not what one normally associates with this band's visuals, but which apply in context of their songs' subject matters. Dee Dee Ramone worked out best for same.

Below is Lemmy of Motorhead joining the last of The Ramones for their final show in the song he wrote about them, "R-A-M-O-N-E-S!"

NOTE: link directly back to if all elements such as photo layouts or videos aren't here.

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