
Thursday, April 7, 2011

MAREN PARUSEL live 4.7.11

Maren Parusel and band playing Los Feliz' Satellite Club (formerly the famed Spaceland) Apr. 7th.
This is a compliment: if Carla Bruni had wanted to startle folks onstage as well as entertain them, she'd probably emulate Maren Parusel, she of self-professed "German Pop" leanings here in the U.S. of A. but in reality an intriguing frontperson of her eponymous band.

The band came out like gangbusters with a very strong, hard rock opening number "Artificial Gardens," not necessarily what one associates with her normal vocal delivery. (I defer to my friend Kirk Henry's proclamation on the Bruni non-belters metier, "Guys like breathy.") So there's always an edgier undercurrent afoot, like some improbably gamine Chrissie Hynde.

Photo op section: left to right, drummer extraordinaire Tony Matteuci of The Dogs, Mario Escovedo, head honcho of Requiemme Mgmt. media empire, and everyone's fave fun lovin' attorney Anne Marie.

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