
Friday, January 13, 2017


Photograph courtesy of Seth Kallen Deitch in the Facebook group BELLE EPOQUE to ART DECO, The First 40 years of 20th Century. 

What a knowing look on this young fashionista! The poster thought her to be the exact big city woman his mama had warned him against...

Concluded most male contributors, "Oh yeah, she's trouble!" whereas the women uniformly coveted her hat. I'm not so thrilled about the furs but I acknowledge the shaping and draping of the lady's fashion is superb...

Her identity turns out to have been Madamoiselle Polaire, stage name of Emilie Marie Bouchaud, a singer/actress with a fashion forward look. She utilized heavy, dark eye makeup as an aside to her Algerian birthplace, and bobbed her hair about 30 years before doing this became fashionable. She worked primarily in France from the mid-1890s on.

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