
Friday, July 22, 2016


Ashland, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, July 5 - 11, 2016---
Along with their teacher and his wife plus a father of one of the students, my better half Mr. Twister and I chaperoned 36 bright, public and private elementary school 11-year-olds who are Shakespearean scholars. It would be unethical to depict the kids any closer up, so prepare for a panoply of uncharacteristic personal shots. Bonanza: along with beautiful countryside and a break from our desiccated SoCal drought landscape, we saw Twelfth Night, The Winter's Tale, Hamlet, Richard II,  
plus Great Expectations, and had a blast!
Ashland's weather ranged from drizzly (in July!) to warm in the 90sF. 

guest photographer © 2016 Kurt Ingham for the above two shots 
and one below of yours truly.
Cubism for sashimi in Ashland OR. Later that evening, heavy metal Hamlet. Below, dramatic shot on cover of playbill, as photography was verboten.
Hamlet, Richard II, Twelfth Night, The Winter's Tale 
by William Shakespeare and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 
adapted by Penny Metropulos and Linda Alper.

Nature walk along trail beside Ashland Creek, Mr. Twister with his 

"Twin-Lens Reflex smartphone."  

Trees without people. 

The last three shots, above and below, guest photographer 
© 2016 Kurt Ingham: panorama of shortcut from the hotel down to Ashland Creek and up into town, avoiding crowded roadway; Crater Lake from the air; and yours truly dressing festively for the Festival at Sea-Tac airport connection back to Oregon.

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