
Sunday, February 7, 2016


I'm saddened to learn of the passing of Dan Hicks (of & The Hot Licks, and The Charlatans (original San Francisco version.) He was the first rock star I ever interviewed circa 1970, and seemed very cross at my lack of musical history knowledge sufficient to distinguish the harmonies of the Boswell Sisters versus the Andrews' ones. 

Nonetheless, he gallantly jumped in the Tropicana Motel pool for my photograph (which would take major archaeological home excavation to offer herein...) Hicks' Hot Lick music was catchy, lilting, retro, occasionally quite humorous and always with a groove or swing, despite its odd for the era arrangements with violin and the Lickettes' female harmonies, upon which the tunes depended.

(TIME LAPSE)No, an hour search through the archives did not reveal my pic of Dan Hicks leaping into the Tropicana Motel swimming pool. I did however find some artwork I did for the UCLA Daily Bruin entertainment sections at the same time, 1970. Stoneground featured what seemed like dozens of performers onstage, established songwriter Sal Valentino (seen in front of upright piano) and featured female backup singers as essential parts of the arrangements and songwriting. Sort of like Dan Hicks and the Hot Licks...
 Sorry, Dan...

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