
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

R.I.P. Glen Frey

Although one might expect dialogue from me similar to Jeff Bridges' rant in The Big Lebowski, I'll take the high road here and note that The Daily News of our San Fernando Valley CA reported, in its Glen Frey obituary, that The Eagles frequented Dr. Hogly Wogly's Tyler Texas Bar-B-Q in our nearby Panorama City CA. This is significant because it is a non-reservations, extremely informal, down home (and messy-entrees!) place in a dubious part of our city. Frey was also mentioned as the independent contractors' most polite client ever ("He treated me like we were on a date, was so nice, took us to fine restaurants") in the tell all book "You'll Never Have Sex in This Town Again." So there...

When reported on my personal social network page, this prompted much discussion about our local Bar-B-Q eatery. I offered, r.e. ambience, that a waitress there once handed my husband his messy entree and purred "Enjoy your sushi!". Whenever I personally  contemplated taking visitors there, I remember its non-reservations policy and the long lines of smart locals enjoying gourmet Bar-B-Q at bargain basement prices queing to get in. Not every Hollywood/Malibu type can cope with this, so it's to the Eagles' credit that they could...

Friend Jeanette wrote: "I hope that's not what killed him at age 67. Death due to Hogly Wogly" while Frank Meyer of The Street Walkin' Cheetahs wrote "I LOVE Dr. Hogly Wogly's!!! I have to say, Mr. Frey gets retroactive points for that (oh, and all that hit music too I guess.)"

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