
Thursday, May 21, 2015


This just in, May 21st marks the nascence of Mr. Twister, my beloved better half with whom I've shared 45 thrill-packed years (although I spent the first five scraping the groupies off.) In celebration, I diverge headfirst into sheer subjectivity to bring you these photographs of Mr. Twister throughout the years: scuba-licensed child, performer in Christopher Milk and Chainsaw (history here LINK,) Lotus Elite racer, photographer, globe trekker, marksman, educator of our nation's youth, survivor.  Birthday valentine cavalcade of photos follows by yours truly unless indicated otherwise, many heretofore unseen much less published, since he doesn't 'reprazent' online. Above, 2003 reunion tour of Italy with his punk band Chainsaw; Mr. Twister, 2015.

Below left, as the onetime Guinness Book of Records world's youngest licensed Scuba diver, photo by Sidney Ward Ingham; right, as seen when I met him, his 1970 selfie,
© 1970 Kurt Ingham.  Be still my !

 Below left, photographer unknown, live with Christopher Milk at UCLA with a full page featured in UCLA yearbook; right: lead singer of Sunset Blvd. in the film "Garage Sale"

 Below left, the ill-fated (self-immolated) Lotus Elite, photo by Kirk Henry; right, with models Crickette Lum and Linda Daddy for Chainsaw promotion, 1976

Below, his own bad self in the late 1970s; right, Mr. Twister handles Vienna, and seen in East Africa at Karen Blixen's (Isak Dinesen's) house near Nairobi, Kenya
↓ and → Socializing the neighbors' puppies; swimming with Crystal Scarborough, our Golden Retriever named after his childhood swim instructor, the first to teach babies how to swim

The early 1990s, in our photo studio↓

 Below, Chainsaw reunion tour of Italy, 2003, Napoli

← 2013; 
2014 → 
↓ Flight simulator jet fight pilot, 2011 and beyond (at the Stanley Kubrick exhibit, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 2012)

Lastly: together at 1980 Behemoth Festival, photographer unknown; at Brad Elterman photo exhibit, photographer unknown; with our friend Evita Corby (right) getting ready to see our friend Marijke Koger-Dunham's work at Museum of Contemporary Art, L.A., 2013, photo by Earl Reinhalter.

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