
Sunday, May 25, 2014

LOOKING FOR JOHNNY film premiere

A few snaps last night from the sold-out-and-moved-to-a-larger-venue Los Angeles premiere of "Looking For Johnny," biopic of the late Mr. Thunders. Its director Danny Garcia flew in from Barcelona to field questions, Howie Pyro compered. Many familiar faces in person like Katherine Gaudry (below) who graciously provided an invite to the sold out event, and from online or in the interviews and credits like Phyllis Stein, partner of the late Jerry Nolan, NY photographer Bob Gruen plus Joe Sztabnik and Cynthia Ross, the latter two of the worthy band New York Junk. 

I quite enjoyed the film. The director and producers had a hard balance to present, the excellent with the not so much aspects of Thunders' all too brief life. The director pointed out that he was the most prolific of all the punk-related songwriters, never stopping writing no matter what with tons of albums, with quality as well as quantity. Often the quality of his songwriting appears more readily in his accoustic ballads of covers, as with "You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory."  Add its eventual dvd/download release to your library with Gruen's "All Dolled Up: The New York Dolls Story" and "New York Doll," the Arthur Kane journey from Doll to Mormon.

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