
Monday, January 6, 2014


This fabulous Thunderbird in the top image indeed is the same one depicted on The Fabulous Thunderbirds' release Different Tacos, as I took the photo as well as co-designed, with Nannette Freeman, this CD cover for Denny Bruce and his clients.

The sky blue, 1967 4-door Thunderbird with suicide doors has remained all in the family for 3/4 of its existence. First my brother purchased it from my uncle's collection of 30 1967-1970 4-door Thunderbirds, all garaged in his "Bird House" in Tennessee. Then my better half Mr. Twister bought it from my brother in New Mexico, and we drove it back to California along as much of the old Route 66 as we could. Twister eventually sold it back to my brother, who then peddled the classic car to our mutual friend Rico Cardinale, and drove it back to California a second time. I've known A-List hairdresser Rico since 1966 so he's almost family. 

Top photo taken 1.6.14 in our driveway, Rico on the left, Twister on the right.

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