
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

THE DOGS record anew

THE DOGS recently backed former Pagan Mike Hudson ("Her Name Was Jane," "What Is This Shit Called Love") on punkrock-esque "I Want A Date" at Pawnshop Studios, Van Nuys CA for the latter's forthcoming solo release "Hollywood High." Above, L-R: Mike Hudson and DOGS Mary Kay, Loren Molinare and Tony Matteucci; below, assorted scenes from recording with engineer Patrick Burkholder plus Loren's discovery of a genuine rock and roll bathroom...

Above, joining the session for its last few spurts, Shelley Mitchell drove up from San Diego, amongst other party plans, to visit with her onetime roommates THE DOGS, as she once was part of their Gower St., Hollywood punkrock commune in the mid-1970s; yours truly only jumped into a photo by specific request. Below, the previous night's rehearsal chez ToneDog proved joyous, rapidfire and typically incendiary...

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