
Sunday, October 20, 2013


From Hollywood scenester/successful LA Gear shoe designer to rural East Coast artist, in Vicki Whicker's own words: " 'Found a farm on Facebook. 'Bought it sight unseen. Moved from L.A. to Central NY. Dunga Brook, 1820's, one acre, she needs a face lift. This is that story, these are the characters involved, via iPhone pics."

“iPhoneography as a mobile method for making art and as a creative movement was exploding around the world while I was stalking the flora and fauna of my new home. Coming from LA, I was in a paradise- the lush trees, the long country roads lined with Queen Anne’s Lace big as pie plates, the crimson and gold fall leaves, those first pristine snow flakes. The more I shot, the more I saw; the more I saw, the more I wanted to see…by the time my house was done 6 months had passed and I had produced over 20,000 images…through the lens of my iPhone I fell completely in love with central New York.”

What the artist omitted of her synopsis: she got REALLY good, REALLY fast in her photography, snapshots to fine art in the space of a year, enough to warrant well-deserved exhibitions in her new locale, from her "Dunga Brook Diary: a year of seeing differently" Cherry Valley NY debut to her most recent exhibit in Hollywood CA 10.4.13. 

I suggested to my travel companions Evita and Stephanie that this showing might be more reminiscent of a Manhattan-type private exhibition in some tony apartment which proved correct prognostication. The artist's BFF Bobbie Beeman, herself a pro photographer, instigated the show at the Rubix Complex, Hollywood, replete with NY-styled doorman, copious but nicely helpful security, photos installed upstairs and down, champagne and canapes galore, and a live set by musician Johnny Elkins.

Vicki noted to the press “Sometimes I have misgivings about my decision when it’s just me, the dogs and the pellet stove during an ice storm. But most of the time the place just gets more magical each day.” To us she rhapsodized the joy of getting up and taking photos all day long, rhapsodized like the true artist she remains. 

Below, NY-style art show ambience in Hollywood, and a macro-close up of Whicker's.

 The artist Vicki Whicker and rock and roll couturier Evita Corby, below.
 Above, the Four Graces, friends of the artist, left to right: Lorraine Cole, Maria Schaeffer, Laura Wachal and Bambi Conway (musician, once bassist for Paisley Underground all-femme allstars The Pandoras.) 

Below: a picture of happiness-- I purchased Whicker's "Tim's House" installed against the actual paisley of our upstairs bathroom, right in the sunlight (usually anathema to fine art) to set off its iridescent colors printed on metal, hence immune.

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