
Monday, June 17, 2013


Rest in peace, peacock that I often photographed (LINK, LINK and LINK.)

Today I read confirmation from the Wildlife Waystation non-profit Animal Sanctuary (LINK) that this peacock taken to their premises for treatment after a coyote attack had to be euthenized when their vets found far more extensive injuries than were first apparent. At least he had a chance with them.

The tame peacock and peahen couple apparently walked 3 miles up a dry creek bed under a freeway to live behind my horse's pipestall at the ranch where he is boarded. It's odd, the peafowl ate their food supplements and water under the tall trees next to the stalls and trolled for insects for at least a year and a half at the ranch before the fatal coyote attack. What changed? And I can't imagine that the widowed peahen who then disappeared could have survived solo for too long thereafter.

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