
Monday, May 20, 2013


Keyboardist of The Doors, producer of alternative acts such as X, and platinum class act for staying up to date with burgeoning pop culture Ray Manzarek passed away today at age 74. 'Very sad to learn of his death. All the UCLA film school stories with his hellraiser bud Jim Morrison were still fresh there when I attended, like in what locker they kept weed, and antics at nearby ironically named Pancho's Family Restaurant (which actually more resembled a bar which just happened to serve Mexican food at its one table) on Santa Monica Blvd. next to primo '60s student destination Papa Bach Bookstore (geddit?)

At top, Ray with superbassist Mike Watt and playwright Michael McClure at McCabe's Guitar Shop in 1985. Ray and infamous McClure (once arrested every single night that his play "The Beard" ran for obscenity) often collaborated; bottom, Ray with Scott Richardson, your humble photojournalist and also sadly late Ron Asheton (of The Stooges, Destroy All Monsters and Dark Carnival) at Richardson's recording session for Tornado Souvenirs, a cd collection of poetry with music by the aforementioned. The photo by someone who wishes to remain anonymous appeared in Music Connection Magazine over two decades ago.

  Fellow L.A. musician Steve Tetsch correctly summarized, "Ray was very intelligent and recognized unique talent when he saw it. He was also a really humble, nice and positive man whom everybody loved."

Below, a photo I took of Ray at his keyboard during a Shrine Auditorium Doors gig in 1967.

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