
Monday, March 11, 2013

THE DOGS record anew and promote JAIL GUITAR DOORS

Back in the recording studio to get newest song "Let's Go Baby" and a cover of Eddie and the Hot Rods' "Do Anything You Want To Do" down for posterity, THE DOGS also took time to promote Jail Guitar Doors, the charitable foundation of fellow Detroit musician, the mighty MC5 legend Wayne Kramer.

Guitarist Loren Dog is seen modeling one of the charity's t-shirts, and was lauded on its Facebook page for the shout out by Kramer and his wife Margaret Saadi Kramer. More info on this worthy program to provide inmates with music opportunities to aid rehabilitation can be found here LINK.

Even outside the slammer, teachers everywhere agree that learning to play music is one of the best demonstrations of potential personal success imaginable. From starting with zero skills to playing recognizable music on guitar shows how patience and self-education really pay off, a valuable lesson for all but particularly those incarcerated for trying so-called "easy" criminal shortcuts. 

Below, Paul Hilton is seen engineering drummer Tony Matteucci and Loren in Paul's Platinum Studio; bassist Mary Kay, seen in same studio at another Dogs session, will report in later.


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