
Monday, March 18, 2013


 Above, a photograph I took as a teenager of a friend in the Franklyn Canyon reservoir of Beverly Hills, famed locale of Opie's Fishin' Hole on the Andy Griffith show.

She was a budding professional model who needed sample shots and had had another session there with a mutual friend. She kept trying to recreate those previous fantastic shots with the backlit glimmering around the lake the whole time. Since she already had those, I kept pushing for something different like the above.

Above, my photo of one of the protagonists of triangle in LINK during a student film shoot for which I took stills, in front of then new construction of the Cabazon Dinosaurs of San Gorgonio Pass near Palm Springs Calif., and with whom I contest absolutely nothing whatsoever occurred until the subject of same moved out.

When she did and I insisted on birth control, he and I hightailed to a local pharmacy, grainy pic below no doubt during Easter season, whereupon he made me LOL when he marched over to the pharmacist and barked out, "We're young, we're in love and we wanna do it. Whatta ya got?"

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