
Saturday, February 2, 2013


The faux groundhog indeed sees his or her shadow while eating a French Fry on this festive Groundhog Day. No shame in recycling my photo from two years ago as same mimics the theme of the celebrated Bill Murray film Groundhog Day.

For newfound timely material I'll quote an excerpt of the Allan Massie piece in today's (2.2.13) Wall Street Journal with two delightful sentences that struck home: "...In 1961, age 80, he (P.G. Wodehouse) noticed 'a certain stiffness in the limbs which causes me, when rising from my chair, to remind the beholder, if a man who has traveled in Equatorial Africa, of a hippopotamus heaving itself up from the mud of a riverbank.' It's the conditional clause that gives the sentence its perfect balance and the authentic Wodehouse touch."

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