
Monday, January 7, 2013


Sad report just in that Huell Howser, broadcast host/producer of decades of highest quality human interest stories for American public television has passed away. 

My late cousin Lee saw Howser's initial news forays in Huell's native Tennessee which would explain the laconic but educated Southern accent, unusual in nationwide televised broadcasting. From news work in NYC, Howell moved to Los Angeles in 1981 to start a legendary career with PBS devising the highest quality human interest stores and travelogue shows constructed from Howell's innate curiosity about unusual historical aspects of his new location, his unerring taste in making bizarre subjects still appeal to mainstream audiences, and his superb folksy rapport with people from all walks of life. His shows graduated from "Videolog" short features to regular shows like "California's Gold."  

If you want to remember Howell's expertise in human interest stories while weeping uncontrollably, rewatch this video piece below on the elderly animal trainer saying goodbye to his beloved elephant for the very last time.  Rest in peace, beloved broadcaster.


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