
Thursday, November 29, 2012

MIKE WATT: They Don't Come Any More Impassioned...


"Be brave, Watt..."  

Brave, without question. Impassioned..."They don't come any more impassioned than Mike Watt, a top chap," wrote Carlton Sandercock, head of EasyAction Records, and the world concurs. One of his estimated dozens of bands, this presentation of Watt's theme piece/scat jazz/rock opera "Hyphenated Man" by Mike Watt and the Missingmen marked its final public performance. It's just as we want him to be, heartfelt, wailing, grinding out his multi-personae response to a combatitive world at 1,000 mph, occasionally slowing to whisper/heartbeat for reflection on love and overall endurance through life.


Drummer Raul Morales and guitarist Tom Watson aided Watt working his bass to a packed Liquid Kitty Punk Rock Barbeque audience this last weekend in November. (Earlier, grilled comestibles duly had been served gratis at the West L.A. club.)

Who was that bonus guy onstage laden with art implements? Norton Wisdom provided ever-changing performance painting tied to each band's style and content throughout the evening. I loved this extra, as it reminded me of liquid light shows and projected movies behind bands at "dance concerts" (Fillmore/Avalon/Shrine Auditorium ballrooms) during the 1960s.

Above, "And the mouse a mouse" ("Mouse-Headed Man", Mike Watt and The Missingmen.)

At left, earlier act Lawndale, venerable SST Records OGs, playing surf music instrumentals a la Dave Brubeck versus Jimmy Page slugging it out at the Olympic Auditorium Battle Royale. 

Post-gig Photo Ops with Mike Watt, his chic photographer friend Eiko Kobayashi, Eric Rasmussen all the way from Michigan, and self. 

 ...while Eric's daughter Katie
uses palm tree pedestal
to become extremely limber
statuary in front of Mike's
  white van, beloved of his
always entertaining,
stream-of-consciousness Hoot page
diary in the unique Wattage lexicon,
see LINK.

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