
Sunday, September 23, 2012

A FEW of my VINTAGE BOOKS under $2.00 when purchased new

My UCLA painting teacher Ed Ruscha published photographs of his own LP record collection as sort of a performance art book, a new concept at the time. As he was considered the West Coast equivalent of Andy Warhol, believe me this was considered High Art. Other of his masterpieces in the 1960s were "Every Building On The Sunset Strip" (depicting photos of same) and "Royal Road Test" (wherein a Royal typewriter [sort of a proto-computer to you young'uns] was hurled from a speeding automobile,) both of which I still possess.

 In this same artistic spirit I present a smidgeon of my own library featuring books that I purchased new when they were first published (whatever edition it was: obviously [at least to some] I am no contemporary of William Blake) which cost no more than $2.00 full purchase price at the time. Clicking to enlarge these pics will verify same on some covers.

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