
Monday, September 3, 2012


Full service autobiographical shot of your humble photojournalist in April, 1967. I appear in a post-Mod black and white striped formal frock (actually a ballgown purchased at Le Droguestore that I chopped off to minidress length,) ever-present camera (cheapo Instamatic, wellspring of my live Buffalo Springfield and Doors pics,) eyes wide shut, and in front of posters of teenage lust and angst that I had painted for this tented outdoor party.

Also seen are longtime schoolchum Blaire Simpson chatting with yours truly, and sporting the Vidal Sassoon haircut, my Beatlemaniac/Stones fan, fellow music enthusiast Sally McMahon uncharacteristically turning away from the live band.

I resurrected this shot while looking for an entirely different one. It serves to remind me of select, rare bright spots in that difficult period of my life, my entire childhood and adolescence. I am NOT one who nostalgically covets the past. And there's too much to do right here, right now.

1 comment:

  1. Heather, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture of you! So glad you found it!
