
Monday, August 27, 2012


Rest in peace Neil Armstrong. Attaining 82 years was pretty good for a major risk taker. Highly trained, brave, but a major risk taker nonetheless...

Think of the 1,000,000,000,000 things that could have gone wrong. Armstrong actually quantified the risks himself
as a far lesser number in a failures versus actions performed ratio within one of his authorized biographies, but perhaps that was just his personal way to appear less emotional about his historic feat, as he was wont to modesty as well as privacy. Another quantification: 600 million people, or 1/5th of the world's then population, watched Armstrong's 1969 moon landing and subsequent stroll thereupon in real time on television.

Despite my once knowing a famous director's daughter whose older sister married one of the original "Right Stuff" American astronauts, NASA doesn't exactly feature in my portfolio. Depicted then is Chrissie Shrimpton, younger sister of 60s' supermodel Jean, onetime fiancee of Mick Jagger and subject of Retrokimmer's search LINK, as seen in her cameo appearance in
"Moon Zero Two."

This 1969 space oddity released by horrormeisters Hammer Films starred James Olson, who later pulled off stunning character growth in "Ragtime" as the father who grew a moral conscience, and Catherine Schell, later typecast in orbit via "Space 1999." Personal fave Julie Driscoll sang the theme song over the animated opening credits.

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