
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

MARIJKE KOGER-DUNHAM career retrospective invite

You can take your Peters Max or Blake, your San Francisco nuvo-Art Nouveau Surrealists, this person was THE most influential
psychedelic artist of the 1960s:
Marijke Koger-Dunham.

Sez who? Well, at the time, The Beatles, for whom she developed their entire psychedelic visual oeuvre. And trend-setter-wise, The Beatles WERE the 1960s, much as Louis XIV observed "L'etat? C'est moi." ("I am the state.")

Used to dealing with free-spirits from their own art school years and from their "Savage Young Beatles'" daze performing in Hamburg, Germany, (wherein the local bohos instantaneously clamped onto them--such as Astrid Kirchherr photographing them, Klaus Voorman eventually designing the "Revolver" LP cover,) the Beatles commissioned Marijke and her three confreres, a fine art collective known as The Fool, to retool the former's overdone 'Fab Four' clean-cut look. "Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" and Apple Boutique with its amazing multi-story, hand-painted murals were but some of the iconic results.

Unlike other names from that era, Marijke has been painting and producing prints of spankin' new fine art in the interim ever since those heady days. Above is the invitation+info to her first career retrospective: y'all come!

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