
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Rigors of Recording: hanging around the studio with LITTLE CAESAR

Ah, the rigors of recording. We catch up with LITTLE CAESAR hard at work on their forthcoming release "American Dream" at Unison Studio, ensconced in the good life in Southern California: swimmin' pools, music stars...

From top: singer extraordinaire Ron Young and guitarist Loren Molinaire (advised the latter's chum Billy Murrell upon seeing this pic, "Calm down, Loren!"); Loren and Blackstar Amplifiers/Korg compatriot enjoy non-British weather in April while bassist Fidel Paniagua quaffs anonymously far in the background; guitarist Joey Brasler and producer Bruce Witkin overdub solos to great effect. More photos and one dynamite release to come: already "Prisoner Of Love" and "American Dream" are stand-outs, even in rough
 mix form.

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