
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

PEACOCKS at the horse ranch

A peacock couple (peafowl, technically) moved in behind my horse's pipestall where he boards, and are seen here within same and giving me the evil eye, even though I give them extra horse feed and water them. Like Gaston in "Beauty and The Beast" who decorated with antlers in every room, I utilize peacock feathers in our abode, despite the supposed bad luck to theatre folks, because one doesn't have to off any birds to obtain same.


  1. Gorgeous! Dru has them at her animal rescue so I love to see them. It's when they start calling each other that I run...they are LOUD!

  2. Love these photos! I once did a home exchange for my apartment in NYC. In return I got 8 acres on the Atlantic Ocean with 14 peacocks! It was paradise. xo P.
