
Sunday, December 19, 2010

THE DOGS' recording session, 12.18.10

I photographed legendary Detroit/L.A. power trio The Dogs (see amazing history here LINK) in the recording studio (and brought them pizza) yesterday, Dec 18th, 2010. Tentative title for this new release is "Hypersensitive." Above, listening to playback with Paul in his studio. Below, belying her rapidfire chops, kickass bassist Mary Kay lounges as louchely as an odalisque.
Below, drummer Tony Matteucci in his natural element.
Below, singer/guitarist Loren Molinare pauses between takes, rendering photography far simpler than during his always frenetic song delivery live in performance. Detroit trivia: yes, not only is Loren's Sonic's Rendezvous Band t-shirt original, it once belonged to SRB and Rationals singer/guitarist Scott Morgan himself.

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