
Monday, October 4, 2010

L.A. POETRY FESTIVAL art direction, drawing and photography by me

The front cover featured my photograph of a flowering ornamental peach tree* in front of our house, taken with a long time exposure in the middle of the night. The original is in color with a deep, vibrant blue, but this was a two-color job. The back cover of this flyer left room for mailing addresses and features my panorama of L.A. drawing at the bottom.

Being a civic-sponsored event, they were all locals like Sandra Tsing Loh (humorist/performance artist/author and my onetime neighbor,) Luis Alfaro, Sam Eisenstein, Marilyn Hacker, Suzanne Lummis, Paul Body (ardent Facebooker,) Harry e. Northup, Luis Campos, Michelle T. Clinton (seen in my photo with "Louie, Louie" writer Richard Berry,) Joel Lipman, Danny Weizmann (Shredder to Flipside readers) and assorted actors like Hector Elizondo, Roscoe Lee Browne and Barbara Bain who read from T.S. Eliot, Rilke and Beckett.

*removed by the city shortly thereafter.


  1. When you think of LA Poets, please include Mike Watt!

  2. When you think of LA Poets, Mike Watt!

  3. You are prescient: I'm writing my next blog on "Hollyword" which Watt graced.
