
Friday, August 13, 2010


... and had the pleasure to photograph was Suzie Mathers, sister of Jerry Mathers (star of the "Leave It To Beaver" television series.) In person she was a cute, not terribly tall, highly extroverted blonde in the cheerleader tradition. But to the camera she transmogrified into some parallel universe, Americana Brigitte Bardot. It's all about perfect bone structure, high-style personal fashion sense combined with a genuine ease in flirting with any photographer, gender unimportant.
She briefly was my apartment roommate while I attended UCLA, and she might have been all of nineteen when these photos were taken utilizing our furniture lighting fixtures directed to simulate studio lamps. This was probably thirty nine years ago and I haven't seen her since, due to a misunderstanding involving a mutual friend and dangerous liaisons...

I can't really fill in a "whatever happened to" for this reason. Since I know her married name, I've read online that she's remained not only happily married but was elected Mayor of her California burg, and still looks terrific. The past proves easier going: she starred in "This Is My Love" with Linda Darnell, William Hopper, Dan Duryea and her brother, who obviously had more movie moxie & drive. His next film was for  Alfred Hitchcock's "The Truth About Harry," then on to television stardom. 40 years ago, Suzie told me that she quit the biz upon reaching pubescence when everyone started hitting on her rendering it all no fun...

Above, the most casual shot I ever took of her, with the mutual friend in question.


  1. Kimmer says she was at Ft. Leonard Wood when they inducted the Beav's brother Wally into Army; got to see his head shaved.

  2. I was there in 1966 when they shaved Tony Dow's hair not as cool as seeing Elvis but it was the talk of the post for sure

  3. "The Beav" and his tv show friend Richard (Richard Correll) stayed friends, and even played in rock bands together. Beaver and the Trappers "Happiness Is" one such rarity that was released.

  4. I dated both Suzi Mathers and Teri Digneo. You may even know me if you went to Louisville High School.
    My name is Bruce Thomas ( 818-606-9254). I am at: and Facebook. Currently, I am a professional guitarist and actor. Call me

  5. Whatever happened to Teri Digneo? I used to date her when she went to Louisville High School. She also took a class at Pierce College that I taught back in 1974. I am now a professional musician and actor. If you know her tell her that I said "Hello". We grew up in great times.

    Bruce Thomas
