
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Maria Damon from Facebook remarked, at the following description of our mutual teen crushes, how some individuals already are blessed with charisma even when they are relatively unformed.

 He was a 6'3" ridiculously good looking 17 year old with Byronic curls, and liked films (inevitably, as he was the nephew of a Classic Hollywood Legendary Face of the 1920s through the 1950s, and direct spawn of a noted director and actress,) rock music, exotic foreign cuisine, fashions of the day (think back through the Paisley Corridors of Time,) dangerous illicit pastimes (also think back through the Paisley Corridors of Time,) drawing his own art and taking his own still photography.
These arty topics never even came up in my own toxic family environment recently vacated  by my one ally, my brother. These topics were even actively discouraged from ever existing. My father had been a professional singer who gave it all up when he married and he'd retained a bitter "if I can't succeed in showbiz, no one in my family should even try" mindset that attacked my artistic ways nonstop throughout childhood and adolescence. In my bedroom of secrets, such topics already had become centerpiece to my young world. Everything all at once, plus add hormones. I was a 15 year old goner. 
This goner-ism came from just snuggling next to him at the oddball movie "Morgan! A Suitable Case for Treatment" starring David Warner and Vanessa Redgrave back in the Swinging '60s. I then realized that love wasn't just an abstract conceit of the Romantic poets, it was physical. Lightning bolt of lust. Wowza!

It also was 100% totally unrequited, except that he let it remain rather actively unrequited by continued interaction with yours truly for some four years while otherwise socializing in the normal manner one might expect of handsome teen guys. I did pick up a professional skill as it turned out. I learned how better to deal with ladies' men such as one would encounter as the norm in the rock and roll business. There's always trade-offs for the best ones. But I wouldn't again fixate upon another of these (the best ones) in my personal life for years to come, and it would take another five years to scrape the groupies off...(Story found when you follow the link proffered


  1. My friend and I call it, "The Lightening Bolt of Lust"
    Unfortunately I still get those occasional unrequitted bolts in my dinosaur age where this should not be happening! I suppose I should be happy I still have hormones... :)

  2. I think it's Kirk Henry, but I've been wrong before. The height and Byronic curls match.

  3. Nope, John. One of the reasons Kirk and I have remained buds so long, in addition to our respective sterling qualities, is that we never "dated." In fact I'd introduced him to a smorgasbord of my girlfriends, none of them murderesses (although a scorned one is suspected to have used witchcraft to hex his van that overturned with him in it.)

    "Evanesco," my Lightning Bolt of Lust (hereafter abbreviated to LBOL) came from just snuggling next to object of LBOL at "Morgan! A Suitable Case for Treatment" starring David Warner and Vanessa Redgrave back in the Swinging '60s. I then realized that LUV wasn't an abstract conceit of the romantic poets, it was physical. Wowza! And please, indulge while you can: guys are notorious for accepting any and all LBOLs.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. What ever happened to first LBOL--

    I can't make stuff like this up: after losing interest in college during the early '70s, he became a Goth mortician-costumed horror movie show host on television, with a director who later plied the same schtick with Elvira on the very same station.

    He recently married a younger avant garde musician and apparently they make beautiful cacophony together now, having relocated to Florida. I only know this because a friend of his son (from his first marriage) was on a production crew that filmed at our house, and was flabbergasted to see a cd of his buddy's dad here. He pronounced us the coolest "older couple" he had ever met, an honorarium to which I've never aspired.

  6. Nowadays in Switzerland, not being divorced automatically puts you in the "coolest older couple" (COC) league. Go figure...
